Download ALF the all American television sitcom that aired on NBC from September 22, 1986, to March 24, 1990. The title character, called ALF (an acronym for “Alien Life Form”) but whose real name is Gordon Shumway, crash-lands in the garage of the suburban middle-class Tanner family.
Gordon Shumway, also known as “ALF”, is the protagonist and title character of the American television series ALF, and its animated spin-offs, ALF: The Animated Series, and ALF Tales. ALF also starred in the poorly received television film Project ALF, and hosted the short lived talk show ALF’s Hit Talk Show.
ALF is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from September 22, 1986, to March 24, 1990. The title character, called ALF (an acronym for “Alien Life Form”) but whose real name is Gordon Shumway, crash-lands in the garage of the suburban middle-class Tanner family.
Gordon Shumway, also known as “ALF”, is the protagonist and title character of the American television series ALF, and its animated spin-offs, ALF: The Animated Series, and ALF Tales. ALF also starred in the poorly received television film Project ALF, and hosted the short lived talk show ALF’s Hit Talk Show.
ALF is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from September 22, 1986, to March 24, 1990. The title character, called ALF (an acronym for “Alien Life Form”) but whose real name is Gordon Shumway, crash-lands in the garage of the suburban middle-class Tanner family.
Gordon Shumway, also known as “ALF”, is the protagonist and title character of the American television series ALF, and its animated spin-offs, ALF: The Animated Series, and ALF Tales. ALF also starred in the poorly received television film Project ALF, and hosted the short lived talk show ALF’s Hit Talk Show.